Sunday, September 30, 2007

Friday September 29

Hi, I'm Thi and I'll be scribing for Friday's Class. On Friday, we watched a video disk on interference of two circular waves and Diffraction. Note: I put diffraction in bold and Italics because it may be on a test. Diffraction occurs when a wave, for example, made in a ripple tank hits an obstacle. Although the wave may reflect, it will also pass through the barrier at its ends. This causes the wave to slightly bend and is known as diffraction. Diffraction can change a straight wave into almost a circular wave.

When two identical waves that are produced by two point sources collide, they interference with one another. This results in crests overlapping crests, troughs on troughs and even crests on troughs. Areas of destructive interference and constructive interference are created. As shown in the Waves in Two Dimensions booklet and the assignment we received, dotted lines are correspondent with the troughs, solid lines with crests and the grey area is the path of the nodal lines.

Page 17 of the booklet displays what this looks like and explains everything I just said and more.Click to see Page 17

After that we received a worksheet on interference and that is basically all I can remember of Friday's Class.

Since I am the last one to scribe, I guess I have the honour of choosing the next scribe. The next scribe shall be Kevin! For future references, I stink at blogging and this is goodbye for now.

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