Wednesday, October 17, 2007

October something, 2007 i think

Okay I don't know if I'm doing this right or not but w/e lol
if i mess up then TOO BAD

okay today like. we like..... played with straws =)
and watched like..... these videos...... and we had to like
write some points on each clip right.. so yeah...... and uhhh
i wrote down 8 points
and id write them but i forgot my binder at my workplace lol...

oh and uhh we did a lab on that oboe thingy yeah.....
and we had fun...... well at least i did.......
yeah i think thats it........ =)

oh and i think im sposed to pick a scrive for tomorow eh........ so i guess ill pick..... uh.....
that dude who said he injured his leg =) whats his face
yeah that dude

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