Saturday, December 29, 2007

Post From Benofschool

Happy Holidays Everybody in my Physics Class. I typed this on my PSP :P XD

Saturday, December 22, 2007

This is Late, I Know -_-;

Well, I just found out that I was scribe for Thursday..sorry I'm late. I guess I have to scribe for yesterday's class also don't I?

Okay, so on Thursday, we were given time to finish our labs from the previous day and we were also given more worksheets and I think we went over the sheets we got when we had a sub. Ms. Kozoriz also gave us one Kinder Surprise. After that, no one really did any work and just played with the toys they got and stuff.

Now for yesterday's class! We did another lab with a paper covered brick, a string, a board, a cart thing, a scale, and some other paper stuff. The purpose of the lab was to check how friction affects the brick/cart and stuff like that. Once we were finished filling in the charts on the paper for the lab, there were questions to answer on the back of it. This lab is due on the day we get back, which is the 7th. Yay >_>.

Yep, that's all! Have a merry christmas and a happy new year everyone! As for the next scribe..I choose COW MILK!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Hello! This is Mary Ann

I wasn't able to scribe for yesterday's class since I was away. Noonie will have that post up hopefully sometime tonight.

Today we did a lab on Acceleration Due to Gravity. We took a rubber door stopper and had it tied to a string. We then allowed it to swing for 20 cycles while the string was 120cm long. While doing this, we recorded the length of time it took for the door stopper to reach 20 cycles.
We noticed, through this lab, that when the string was shortened, the faster it took the stopper to reach 20 cycles.
There were also some questions that accompanied the lab.

That was basically all that we did today.

The next scribe will be KRISTINA!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 17, 2007

December 17, 2007

Hi it is me Benofchool,
Today we went over the Problem Solving Worksheet with the picture of the guy in the elevator.
Here are the answers:

If pictures do not come out clear click on the picture :)

After going over that we had a chance to complete the lab given to us on Friday and to complete a new worksheet. The lab and worksheet was to be handed in at the end of class.

That was all for today and the next scribe is going to be... Mary Ann

Friday, December 14, 2007

December 14 2007

today in class we read the booklet that mrs k. gave us. The booklet is called Grade 11 physics: gravitational Fields. We read all the way up to page 4 of the boklet.

Nexts we did a lab about page 4 of the booklet.

At the end of class she gave us two sheets of paper to read and she also gave us a sheet of problem and that was our class.

The next scribe is going to be benofschool. haha

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

December 12, 2007

Hello, in today's physics class we corrected a number of problems including #6 - 8 on the worksheet given to us on Monday, Newton's Laws of Motion, as well as the questions assigned yesterday from the greed book ( # 1, 5 & 7). We were also given a short review covering everything that would be on tomorrow's test. All of this has already been uploaded to the blog by Ms. K. The remainder of the class was given to us to study and review our notes. That was pretty much it.

*REMINDER: Test on "Dynamics" tomorrow, Thursday, December 13, 2007. Don't forget to study.

The next scribe is Richard (:

Dynamics Review

Newton's Laws Worksheet

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Dec 11, 2007

Today in physic's class, we corrected our questions #1-6 on the sheet we got yesterday & we got a new work sheet, corrected it in class. The answers are posted below by Ms. K. She assigned questions # 1, 5 ,7 pg 105- 106 in the green book. If you weren't here today i have posted the questions below, we will correct it tomorrow in class along with the questions 6- 10 that you are to have finished by tomorrow.

Problems # 1, 5, 7 Pg 105-106

1.) An 873-kg dragster, starting from rest, attains a speed of 26.3m/s in .59s
a.) Find the average acceleration of the dragster during this time interval.
b.) What is the size of the average force on the dragster during this time interval?
c.) Assume the driver has a mass of 68kg. What horizontal force does the seat exert on the driver?
d.) Is the driver's mass in part C an inertial mass or gravitational mass?

5.) After a day of testing race cars, you decide to take your own 1550-kg car onto the test track. While moving down the track at 10m/s, you suddenly accelerate to 30m/s in 10s. What is the average net force that you applied to a car during the 10-s interval?

7.) A force of -9000N is used to stop a 1500-kg car traveling at 20m/s. What braking distance is needed to bring the car to halt?

the blog for tomorrow is Kimberley


Inclined Plane

Monday, December 10, 2007

Monday of December, I dunno the date

Today we was like, we got them tests back for some reason, I didn't know we were supposed to hand them back for anything. And then after that, we was doing them sheets you know, with the rocks and then we have to label each of the forces that were acting upon that piece of rock. And then the teacher lady gave us like these peices of paper with writing on it, I think she wants us to read those papers, I dunno don't ask me.
After that we got another piece of paper with writing on it and I think we were supposed to do them... It was about finding the net force and stuff, and to figure it out, we have to like use stuff learned in trigonomonomonemtree or something like that and the pythagorean theory... And remember to use like NORTH of EAST instead of NORTHEAST because NORTHEAST is apparently 45 degrees and so yeah, you'll get wrong and you'll phail at physics so don't do that. And then the teacher went and did some crazy stuff on the overhead but I was busy writing this stuff so I don't know what happened. Now it's home time and I have to go now byebye ttyl.

Scribe for tomorrow is jennifer

Blog for Friday, December 7th

Today we went over the worksheet where you had to find the different forces affecting the rocks in the different questions.
Then for the rest of the class, we worked on laptops, doing just about the same thing as the worksheet we just went over except it was on a special program.

That's all for today! Next scribe will be SANGIIIIE

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Newton's Second Law Lab

Hello fellow classmates,
i am SAM and i am scribing for today. First we started off by getting a hand out for a lab. The lab was based on Newton's Second Law. It's a two page handout with both the front and back. We had carts and weights and we had to observe the accelerations produced by varying forces on a given mass. The lab is to be finished by tomorrow or probably latest would be Friday. That's about all we did in physics, which was work on the lab. The next scribe will be AnhThi!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Thursday's Scribe 29/11/07

today, we reviewed everything about kinematics..........ready for the test tomorrow guys.
oh yeah, we went over questions :
14 page 69..
37, 45, 48, 56 page 73-74
good luck!!!!!!!
scribe for Monday is Kim

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Tuesday Scribe

In Today's Class, we went over the Acceleration sheets on the boards. The answers for those sheets were:

1. a = 6.25 m/s²
2. a = 9.76 m/s²
3. Vf = 35.5 m/s
4. t = 4.4 s
5. Vo = 107 m/s

Accelerated Motion 1

1. a) Vf = 15 m/s
b) d = 19m
2. a) Vf = 200m/s
b) d = 913m
3. a) a = 1.5 m/s
b) d = 116 m
4. d = 250 m
5. 5.6 m/s²

After correcting our answers, we read pages 19 - 22 in the Physics: Concepts and something... textbook and worked on questions 35 & 28 on page 33 -34.

The next scribe is Melissa.

Monday, November 26, 2007


Today, in class, we went over the sheet that was handed out on Thursday. The sheet dealt with distance-time, average velocity, and average acceleration graphs. We are now to work on the sheet labeled 4.1 guide and another sheet. To remind everyone, the 6 page sheet(Appendix 3.8) handed out on Wednesday is due. Also, the test on Kinematics is on Friday.

The next scribe will be Anh-Thi.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Motion Graphs

November 22, 2007 (Thursday)

We played with Ms. Kozoriz's graphs on her SmartBoard with her sensor. We learned how position-time graphs and velocity-time graphs worked, and how to read and obtain data from them. We forced our classmates to move away and closer to the sensor while the sensor records the data on graphs on the SmartBoard. Fun class.

Answer Key

Positive and Negative Velocities
1. positive
2. negative
3. positive
4. right
5. left
6. magnitude
7. positive
8. negative

Instantaneous Velocity
1. straight
2. tangent
3. slope

Velocity-Time Graphs
1. time
2. velocity
3. horizontal
4. parallel
5. positive
6. negative
7. vertical
8. displacement
9. position
10. position

Relativity of Velocity
Answers to these will be available later in physics.


*Appendix 3.8 Motion: Interpreting Position-Time Graphs
*Fig.2.17 & Information in Kinematics Graphs
*Constant Velocity, Constant Acceleration, and Velocity-Time Graphs
*Chapter 4: Study Guide

Ms.K is aiming the Kinematics Test on Wednesday/Thursday.


Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Well thank you so much Eddie for choosing me for scribe, since you tried to be mean and it backfired because we had a substitute,haha. But enough of fun and games our substitute was Mr.Kidd, who went over Study guide 4 (section 4.2:Components of Vectors), so I will supply you with the answers for anyone who didn't get them,
1) b. 90°
2) b. origin
3) c. quadrant 3
4) b. B
5) d. sinΘ=B(у)/B
6) c. cosΘ=D(x)/D
c. C
8) b. FsinΘ
9) c. FcosΘ
10) c. E
11) c. R(x)= (-1.4 km) + 4.0 km + 1.5 km = 4.1 km
12) c. R(y)= (-3.8 km) + 6.9 km + (-1.3 km) = 1.8 km
13) a. R<>
14) c. Y=-R
Mr. Kidd was also nice enough to help us with our vectors assignment and went over all the questions and showed us how to do them! But I'm pretty sure that we'll go over them again with Ms. K when she returns. So I'll leave that for the next scribe which will be nounith1.

Monday, November 19, 2007


Today in physics we received our Nature Of Light 2 test back so we can correct it. We also got a hand out sheet called 4 Study guide Properties of Vector. We corrected it about 20 minutes after anyways so you should have it but here it is for those who don't.

1. 6km E
2. 6km N
3. 6km NW
4. 4km S
5. 3km W
6. 5m SE
7. 40m SW
8. 6km E
9. 4m SE
10. 500m W

11. B 12. D

13. B F H
14. B F G I
15. B F

16. TRUE
19. TRUE

Appendix 3.6 is due for those who didn't already hand it in.
Lauressa can scribe for tomorrow!

Vector Addition

Sunday, November 18, 2007


On Friday we went over the fill in the blanks sheet, Chapter 3 study guide. Here are the answers if you happened to miss any.

Position and Distance
-frame of
-frame of

Average Velocity

Finding Displacement from Velocity and Time
-time intervals

Position-Time Graphs

The Slope of a Position-Time Graph

Also, page 3.6 was to be done for Friday's class. If you didn't hand it in yet, please do so for Monday.

The next scribe is Edward!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Today,in physic class, Ms K. let us read 4 pages of the whole booklet about Kinematics, she corrected the Kinematics-Frame of reference,and handed out the study guide to us . That's all we studied today.
Mary Ann will scribe tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

November 13 2007 post

hi there fellow classmates if you did not attend class or forgot what happened in class this is what we did.
We went over questions 17 to 20 in the pink booklet the answer are posted by Mrs K.
We did a review for the test tomorrow, Mrs k posted that too.
We also had to come up with eight question for the test and get other people to answer them, and that was due at the end of the class.
Well that was our class on tuesday november 13 2007

the next scribe for tomorrows class will be Cow Milk

Nature of Light Part 2 Review

Problems 17, 18, 19, 20

Monday, November 12, 2007

Nature of Light

So today we went over questions 13 through 16 in class today. The answers can be seen in today's slides.
If there's anyone wondering what the orignal questions are, they go as followed:

13)When a screen is illuminated by two closely spaced parallel, single-filament light sources, no interference is observed. What major condition for interference has not been satisfied?

14) If Young's experiment was done completely in glass, how would the interference pattern change from that observed in air, using the same equipment and experimental set-up?

15) A student is measuring the wavelength of light produced by a sodium vapour lamp. The light is directed through two slits with a separation of 0.15 mm. The interference pattern change screen 3.0 m away. The student found that the distance between the first and the eighth consecutive dark lines was 8.00 cm. What was the wavelength emitted by the sodium vapour lamp.

16) An interference pattern is formed on a screen when a helium-neon laser light (λ= 6.328 x 10^-7 m) is directed towards it through two slits. If the slits are 43 μm apart and the screen is 2.5 m away, what will be the separation of adjacent nodal lines?

I realize that having answers without the questions aren't very beneficial.

We also did some reading out loud today as we read about the "Photoelectric Effect and the Wave Particle Duality."
It was Albert Einstein who proposed the idea that light is made of photons.
The Photoelectric effect itself refers to the ejection of electrons from the surface of a metal when it is exposed to electromagnetic radition. *as defined by our pink booklet.
To study this we would use a photocell that has two metal electrodes sealed in an evacuated tube. The air is removed so in doesn't stop the electrons from moving. The large eletrode is a cathode and coated with cesium or another alkali metal. The second electrode is an anode that is made of thin wire so it doesn't block radiation. To allow ultraviolet wavelengths to pass through the tube, it is often made of quartz. A power source is thus connected to the anode and cathode so that the negative side of the source is attached to the cathode and the anode on its positive side. The ammeter can measure the current flowing through the circuit. When radiation does not fall on the cathode, there is no current flow in the circuit. The current is due to electrons called photoelectrons being ejected by the cathode due to radiation and are attracted to the anode. The ammeter in the circuit can thus measure the current flow.

That's the basis of what we learned today. Then we were assigned to finish the last questions from the pink booklet.
Remember: Test on Wednesday! Good luck everyone.
That is all. Good day.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Monday's Class:Newton's Refraction Lab

Sorry this is late, but this is for monday's class. On monday, we did a lab with marbles and a slope thing, which we used to test out the route the marble took on the slope and how it changed directions. We also got a white sheet that we had to finish, and it was about scientist and the speed of light.

That is all.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Friday, November 2, 2007

For today's Physics class, we started off by going over the "Chart for Evaluating the Models of Light". If you didnt get to correct all of them the answers were uploaded by Ms.K, so make sure you have the right answers. We also watched a litlle of the "Light and Color" movie and we were to write four things that we learned. Ms. K also handed out a pink booklet that says " The Nature of LIght:Part 2 The Wave and Particle Models of Light Problems". We were also asked to answer questions 1 and 3 from the booklet. That was pretty much it for todays class.
And the next blogger is.. KRISTINA (:

Particle (Corpuscular) Theory

Thursday, November 1, 2007

November 1, 2007

For today's physics class we had a substitute. We were asked to read pages 3-8 of the pink booklet and then we got a worksheet that went along with then content that we had just read. It was suppose to be handed in at the end of class, but most of us weren't finished so he told us to take it home to do for homework and then we can hand it in tomorrow instead. Well that's pretty much all we did today. Oh yeah and the next scribe is Christine D.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Today in physics

Today in physics, we got our Nature of Light Tests back & corrected it. Ms. K gave us some time to finish The Nature of Light Theory Sheet & we corrected that too. All the answers to the Nature of Light Test & Theory Sheet are post up by Ms.K, fix your mistakes. You can read ahead in The Nature of Light booklet because we will be discussing it tomorrow.
And the next scribe belongs to Kimberley Tran.
& HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYBODY!! get lots of candy :)

Early Theories of Light

Nature of Light Test Answers

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Nature Of Light Test

Today we had a test on the first part of the Nature Of Light unit. We were assigned to read pages 2-4 on the Nature Of Light: Part 2 booklet given to us. A handout based on the four early theories of light was assigned. This is to be done for Wednesday.
Scribe for tomorrow is Jennifer.

Review for Nature Of Light Test

Yesterday, October 29th we went over the answers to the questions on exercises 3-5. We also went over the answers to the graphing questions on the Physical Skills sheet. Later on during the class we did a review of the vocabulary words that would be on our Nature Of Light test. We had to get a definition of each word from one student in class.

Friday, October 26, 2007

nature of light: part 1

today, we did some work sheets...4 i think.
we corrected the speed and time, the study guide visualizing data and the graphing techniques.
the graphing questions is for homeworks.
test on tuesday guyz
scribe for friday thang

Graphing Worksheet Answers

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

i am Sam, i am the scribe for today. We went over the answers for exercise 2 on our hand outs. the answers are,

a) it's a scientific law because it's a general equation about how the nature of it behaves.
b) scientific laws differ from political laws because scientific laws are descriptive; they don't say how nature MUST behave but rather DESCRIBES how nature does behave.
c)quantitative, because it's an observation that's concerned with how much there is or how much is present and it actually has values because he created an equation to generalize it.
d) it would be a theory (model) because spheres explain effect of a change in volume at different temperatures.
e) more experiments should be done and tested to see if his theory is accurate and precise to the predictions. It must be consistent as well. It mus be able to explain a wide range of phenomena.

Ms. K handed back our tests today and we went over them. to see the answers it's already posted up. we also had to do a lab. what we had to do was measure the circumference and diameter of about 5-8 different sized circular lids. We had to see what the relationship was between the circumference and diameter. And that was the class. Our next scribe will be

Sound Test Answers

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Sound Test

Class wrote the test on Sound.
Jessica will be the scribe for Tuesday.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Significant Digits & Unit Conversion

Basic review of basic skills.


S = Significant
N = Not Significant

A. S, 2
B. S, 1
C. N, 4
D. N, 4
E. S, 2
F. S, 3
G. S, 1
H. N, 4

A. 2
B. 4
D. 2
E. 3
F. 3
G. 3
H. 7
I. 4
J. 3
K. 2
L. 3
M. 3
N. 2
O. 5
P. 1
Q. 3
R. 3
T. 4
U. 5
V. 3
W. 3
X. 3
Y. 1
Z. 4

1) 4
2) 3
3) 3
4) 6
5) 4
6) 6
7) 6
8) 1
9) 3
10) 7
11) a) 71.76 s b) 1896 kg
12) a) 1641.0 m b) 2.222 h
13) a) 0.13 m b) 58.0 cm
14) a) 33 m/s b) 58.0 cm
15) a) 5,3,2,3 b) 53.8 g c)3
16) a) your lab partner - there are two significant digits after the decimal in lab partner's measurement and you only have one significant digit in your measurement
b) 8.5 mL


Most commonly used units (please put a check beside these units on your sheet!):
mega, kilo, centi, milli, micro

1) 6 x 10^3
2) 4.9 x 10^-3
3) 7.6 x 10^2
4) 3.21 x 10^1

* Finish off #5-10 for next class.




Wednesday, October 17, 2007

October something, 2007 i think

Okay I don't know if I'm doing this right or not but w/e lol
if i mess up then TOO BAD

okay today like. we like..... played with straws =)
and watched like..... these videos...... and we had to like
write some points on each clip right.. so yeah...... and uhhh
i wrote down 8 points
and id write them but i forgot my binder at my workplace lol...

oh and uhh we did a lab on that oboe thingy yeah.....
and we had fun...... well at least i did.......
yeah i think thats it........ =)

oh and i think im sposed to pick a scrive for tomorow eh........ so i guess ill pick..... uh.....
that dude who said he injured his leg =) whats his face
yeah that dude

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tuesday, Oct.16

Hey, I'm Eric, and I'm today's scribe.

Today we read over pages 7 to 15 in the yellow sound booklet.
That took up most of the class, so we didn't do a lot.
We were also assigned questions 1, 2, 6, 11, 14, 17, 18, and 19 on page 27 of the yellow booklet.

That's all for today, nothing too exciting.
Tomorrow's scribe will be....ERIC--I mean SANGIIE

Standing Waves

Monday, October 15, 2007

Working with the Speed of Sound

Hello, this is a new cycle for the scribes. Today in class we finished correcting the questions from last week. I will be showing the corrections later in the scribe. We also corrected the worksheet about the speed of sound that we received last week.
Okay here are the corrections for last week's work:

8a) Intensity is the energy transmitted past a given area per unit of time. It is also an objective measurement. Loudness depends on the amplitude of the wave and it is a subjective measurement.

b)Frequency is the number of vibrations per second and it is an objective measurement. While pitch is how high or low a sound is and it is a subjective measurement.

9. 20Hz to 20 000 Hz is the range of frequencies a human can hear and it is called the Audio Spectrum.

10a)529Hz - 524Hz = 5 Hz

...=0.2 seconds

Now here are the corrections for the worksheet about the Speed of Sound:

Okay those are all of the corrections we've done today in our Physics class. Homework for tomorrow is the worksheet that we received called Sound Waves. Our next scribe will be... ERICT. So until next time good luck in school and hope this helps. Bye Bye.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Speed of Sound Lab

Today the class performed a lab to determine the speed of sound in air. There was a worksheet with questions on the speed of sound that was handed out. This is due for Monday.
Scribe for Monday will be benofschool.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Vibrations and Sound Part 2 Video

Today , we watched the physic film .Mr "same same " (i dont know his name ^^) ..teached us about the sound.In the film,we saw when we knock one of 2 tuning forks which faced to each others, the one which was not knocked also vibrate because of the resonance,and the other things are the tuning fork vibrate and created air pressure ect.... and the end of the class,Ms. Kozoriz showed us the voice of the big woman which can broke a glass >.< ,and the answer of the Exercises:3-4-5-7, you can check them if you missed today 's class...
3/ Dog can hear frequencies in ultrasonic region,you can't
4/ a.Change amplitude
b. change frequency
5/Vibration of sound caused energy to trigger the avalanche
7/ A medium is needed

Next scribe is kissy

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The Best Blog Ever!!

Ok so today we read the first couple pages in the yellow booklet. We learned that sound is a LONGITUDINAL wave. (Remember that!) Also, slightly different sounds produce a term a called "beats" when combined. Beat waves are the difference in the sounds. For example, if one sound is 440 hertz and another sound is 436hertz then the beat wave (difference) is 4 hertz. Yeah....that's all I can remember because it's like really late. Anyways we also got a worksheet that had questions like, if a man sets his clock to a factory's whistle that rings at noon and he is 3 km away, will his watch be BEHIND OR AHEAD? We also got homework in the yellow booklet. Questions 3,4,5,7,8,9 or something like that. Then we had a fire drill. Oh yeah and the most exciting part of the day was ms.K's pendulum (I think i spelled this wrong) experiment that totally worked! HAHA......ok enough sarcasm. Well I don't know anyone's name in the class, oh wait i pick Cow Milk to scribe for tomorrow...ok goodnight...i hope i make it to school tomorrow

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Same Same Video

Hello, its me Kristina and I am the scribe for yesterday's class. We basically just watched a video of Vibrations and Sound and stuff with the "same same" guy. While we were watching, we were supposed to jot down 5 to 8 points on things that we learned or had learned prior to watching the video and then hand it in. After watching the video, Ms. Kozoriz gave us back our tests and went over the answers for us (check previous blog post).

That's pretty much it, as for the next scribe...I choose Sangiie.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Monday, October 1, 2007

Waves in Two Dimensions Review

Today in class we went over questions 16 and 17 in the green booklet on Waves in two dimensions. We also corrected the answers on the review sheets so we can prepare for the test on Wednesday.
Scribe for Thursday is kristina

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Wednesday Sept 26 (i know im kinda late sorry)

On Wednesday we had a substitute and his name was Mr. Whiteway (he was a English teacher so he wasn't much help). We received 2 handouts on Refraction. One was about how light refracted and the other was exercises on Refraction.

Friday September 29

Hi, I'm Thi and I'll be scribing for Friday's Class. On Friday, we watched a video disk on interference of two circular waves and Diffraction. Note: I put diffraction in bold and Italics because it may be on a test. Diffraction occurs when a wave, for example, made in a ripple tank hits an obstacle. Although the wave may reflect, it will also pass through the barrier at its ends. This causes the wave to slightly bend and is known as diffraction. Diffraction can change a straight wave into almost a circular wave.

When two identical waves that are produced by two point sources collide, they interference with one another. This results in crests overlapping crests, troughs on troughs and even crests on troughs. Areas of destructive interference and constructive interference are created. As shown in the Waves in Two Dimensions booklet and the assignment we received, dotted lines are correspondent with the troughs, solid lines with crests and the grey area is the path of the nodal lines.

Page 17 of the booklet displays what this looks like and explains everything I just said and more.Click to see Page 17

After that we received a worksheet on interference and that is basically all I can remember of Friday's Class.

Since I am the last one to scribe, I guess I have the honour of choosing the next scribe. The next scribe shall be Kevin! For future references, I stink at blogging and this is goodbye for now.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Monday, September 24, 2007

Hey this is Eric, and I'm today's scribe.

Today in class we watched a video of a crazy teacher who explained waves in two dimensions: reflection and refraction. We also got a worksheet to fill out while we watched the video.

After that, we looked over the answers, which everyone should have since we did them in class.

We then went over the answers for last week's homework, which was:
Questions 5 to 8 in the green booklet


Finally, we got an assignment on Refraction that doesn't have to be done for tomorrow, but it would be good if you did some. Also, don't forget to do your research projects!

That's all for today, and the next scribe is Melissa since the scribe today was actually supposed to be her

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Hello. This is lauressa.

Well today in class we went over page 12 in our green booklet; waves in two dimensions, and learned about Snell's Law. Snell's Law shows that the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence and the sine of the angle of refraction is a constant. The constant we use in Snell's Law is referred to as the index of refraction. With Snell's Law it can be used to determine a number of things, for instance the speeds and the wavelengths of incident or refracted waves by this equation

For those who aren't quite sure what refraction is it occurs when waves approach a boundary between two water depths at an angle causing the direction of travel of the refracted waves change. Since the value of n are ratio it doesn't have any specific unit of measurement, but the value of n, is specific for certain materials like air, glass, and water. For Snell's Law we also used old equations but with a little twist. As we all know velocity V, can be found by multiplying frequency F x wavelength λ. Well we can use that equation for help with Snell's Law by putting deep .vs. shallow in front the the characters to solve for the velocity of the deep and shallow water.

After we learned about Snell's law Ms.K handed out an assignment to test how much we could put our knowledge to use. Here was the example questions and the answers if you didn't manage to get them in class.

A water wave of frequency 10.0Hz and speed 40cm/s is traveling in deep water. It then moves into shallow water where its speed is 30cm/s. The angle of refraction is 30°

A) The index of refraction
n=Vdeep /V shallow



B) The wavelengths in the two media







C)the angle of refraction in the shallow water.
For this question there is more than one way to solve it .

~solution 1~


sinθr=0.375 or 22°

~solution 2~

sinθr=(sinθi x Vr)/Vi

=(sin30° x 30cm/s)/(40cm/s)

sinθr=0.375 or 22°

~solution 3~

sinθr=(sinθi x λshallow)/λdeep

° x 3 cm)/4cm

sinθr=0.375 or 22°

Well that was pretty much it for our class on Friday, but for those who haven't already, the assignment for the week were questions 5-8 in our green booklet, and our wave research project is due on Tuesday. See you all on Monday!!
O yea the next scribe is Melissa

If you're thinking you should realize that question #6 is a repeat of the question we did on the whiteboard.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Waves Moving From One Depth to Another & Refractions

Hello! This is Mary Ann.

In class today, we got our assignments and test back. We went over the answers for the test, so if you missed any of they are!


This is a transverse wave.

2. amplitude = 1.5 cm
wavelength = 4.5 cm

3. a. longitudinal
b. (i) compression
(ii) rarefaction
(iii) wavelength

4. a. f = 50/10 = 5Hz
b. T = 1/5 = 0.2s

The wave should appear inverted since it hits a fixed end.

6. This is how your diagrams should have turned out.



9. Constructive Interference: occurs when two pulses on the same side pass through each other. This causes the amplitude to increase.
Destructive Interference: occurs when two pulses on opposite sides cancel when overlapped.

10. The main function of a wave is to transfer energy through a medium.

11. a) true
b) meters or cm
c) true
d) normal
e) transverse

12. A standing wave consists of two waves of equal amplitude, frequency and wavelength.

The red dots represent the nodes. The blue dots represent the anti nodes.

After making corrections on the test, we looked into the green booklet on page 9-11 and learned about
Waves Moving From One Depth to Another & REFRACTIONS.

When waves move from one depth to another, the frequency does not change. What changes is the speed of the waves. In deep water, the speed of the waves is vdeep = (fdeep)(λdeep). The speed of the waves in shallow water is vshallow = (fshallow)(λshallow). Since the two frequencies are the same it can also be written as vdeep/vshallow = λdeep/λshallow.

In this picture it shows a straw in a glass of water that appears to be broken but it is actually being refracted since half of it is in water and the other in air. Air and water are the two mediums in this case.

-The 5 questions on Waves in Two Dimensions - Assignment 1 is due tomorrow.
-Our project is due on Tuesday, September 25th.

The next scribe is going to be LAURESSA.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Straight Barrier: Wavefront

Hello everyone, this is Lina with today's scribe post.

We started today's class by going over the worksheet we recieved yesterday about wavefronts and wave rays. It was pretty straight forward.

Here are a couple of definitions for you:

A wavefront is a continuous crest or trough.
A wave ray is to show the direction of travel/transmission of the wavefront.
Remember: The wave ray is always perpendicular to the wavefront. You can also say that the wave ray is at a right angle to the wavefront.

For the wavefront exercise we had to draw the wave rays of circular, straight and irregular wavefronts.

We continued our unit, Waves in Two Dimensions. How exciting. Below is a diagram of how you would determine how the wavefronts are reflected at an angle to a straight barrier.

A few points to remember about this diagram are:

  • The Incident wave ray is perpendicular to the Incident wavefront
  • The Reflected wave ray is perpendicular to the Reflected wavefront.
  • The normal is the straight line perpendicular to the barrier. (not in my diagram, but please bear with me)
  • The angle of incidence (theta i) is the angle between the incident wave front and the barrier.
  • The angle of reflection (theta r) is the angle between the reflected wavefront and the barrier.
  • The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.
  • Another thing you must remember is that the length between the lines of each wavefront should be equal in distance.

The diagram I drew above uses the angle of incidence and reflection as applied to the wavefronts to determine how the wavefronts are reflected.

Another method is to use the angle of incidence and reflection as applied to the normal. Therefore, the angle of incidence (theta i) would be the angle between the incident wave and the normal and the angle of reflection (theta r) would be between the reflection wave and the normal. I don't think we've used this method as of yet, but maybe we might later on.

We also looked at the reflection of waves from a Parabolic Reflector. We worked on drawing our own diagrams during the latter half of the class. We applied our knowledge of the straight barrier to help us out. The only difference is that it's a parabolic barrier.

Tonight's homework is our very first assignment in Waves of Two Dimensions. Complete it for tomorrow's class (or at least try to). ALSO don't forget our WAVES RESEARCH PROJECT due on September 25. Try not to leave it until the last moment like I know we've all done with one project or another. Good luck on that!

If you find anything confusing or anything wrong. Please leave a comment and let me know. This is my first time blogging for school where someone has to learn from it! I hope I didn't make any mistakes.

Last but not least, tomorrow's scribe will be... Mary Ann.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


hello my name is Jennifer I am today's scribe.

Today we had a TEST on Waves In One Dimension 0_0
After the test we got a new green booklet called Waves in Two Dimensions & read up to page 6 we also got an exercise on Wavefront's to finish by tomorrow. That is all we did today (:

finally the scribe for tomorrow is . . .

Monday, September 17, 2007

September 17, 2007

Hello, my name is Kimberley and I am today's scribe.

Today in class we went over the answers to questions 6 - 14 in the green booklet. If you missed any of the answers, they have all been posted on the blog by Mrs. Kozoriz. For the remainder of the class we worked on a worksheet having to do with Superposition, which you can hand in tomorrow if you haven't already handed it in today.

REMINDER: Tomorrow we have a test on Waves in One Dimension. I would suggest looking over everything in the green booklet. Good luck and don't forget to study.

That is pretty much everything we did today. The scribe for tomorrow is Jennifer.

Problems 6 - 14

Friday, September 14, 2007

Hi everyone! I'm Christine and I will be your scribe for today.

In todays class, we worked on CHAPTER 14: STUDY GUIDE worksheet that was handed out by the substitute teacher. And we also corrected them in the end of the class. Here are the answers for the people who didn't get all the answers.

14.1 Wave Properties

Types of Waves

  1. mechanical
  2. material
  3. electromagnetic
  4. no

  5. particles

  6. matter

  7. three

  8. perpendicular

  9. motion

  10. parallel

  11. motion

  12. surface

  13. parallel

  14. perpendicular

  15. single

  16. continous

  17. vibrating

  18. harmonic

The Measures of a Wave: Frequency, Wavelength, and Velocity

  1. shortest
  2. motion

  3. vibration

  4. second

  5. hertz

  6. Hz

  7. f= 1/T

  8. T

  9. f

  10. wavelength

  11. lambda

  12. high

  13. low

  14. v=lambda(frequency)

Amplitude of a Wave

  1. maximum

  2. equillibrium

  3. more

  4. energy

14.2 Wave Interference

Waves at Boundaries Between Media

  1. amplitude

  2. frequency

  3. properties

  4. the same as

  5. equal to

  6. incident

  7. transmitted

  8. energy

  9. reflected

  10. most

  11. little
  12. inverted

  13. errect?

  14. frequency

  15. wavelength

  16. speed

Superposition of Waves

  1. independently

  2. displacement

  3. sum

  4. displacement

  5. superposition

  6. the same

  7. greater

  8. shape

  9. size

  10. opposite

  11. zero

  12. destructive interference

Standing Waves

  1. undisturb

  2. destructive

  3. displacement

  4. constructive

  5. standing

  6. stationary
  7. standing still

And thats all for the worksheet. Make sure that you have the right answers.

For homework,make sure that you finish questions 6-14 from the green booklet. And also, dont forget to study for the test on Tuesday, Septemeber 18th.

And that was today's class. The next scribe will be... KIMBERLEY

Thursday, September 13, 2007

September 13 2007

Hi i am Richard and today i am the fifth period physics class scribe

Today we corrected the Chapter 14: Vocabulary review work sheet. If you did not get all the answers or any of the answers here they are;

1.Standing wave
3.Destructive interference
7. Principle of superposition
8.Transverse wave
12.Wave length
13.Angle of incidence
14.surface wave
15.constructive interference
18.Angle of reflection
19.Longitudinal wave
20.Wave Pules
22.traveling wave
24.Law of reflection

Then we went through the Green booklet. We looked over these sections

D. Reflection
E. Wave Transmission in Two Media
F. wave transmission and Partial Reflection in Two Media
G. Wave interference and the Principle of superposition
I. Standing waves: The formation of a nodes

After that we went over question 1 - 5 in the green booklet if you missed the answers here they are:

1. Longitudinal and Transverse Wave
2. f = 10 crest
. --------- = 0.1 Hz
. 100s

3. f = 580 kHz = 580 x 10 ^3
. v = 3 x 10 ^ 8 m/s
. Wavelength = ?
. v = f (wavelength)
. wavelength = v 3 x 10^8 m/s
. --- = --------------
. f 580 x 10^3 Hz
. Wavelenght = 520m

4. Wavelength = 2.5 cm = 2.5 x 10 ^-2m
. v = 1470 m/s
. t = ?
. v = wavelength/ t
. t = wavelength 2.5 x 10^2 m
. ------------ = --------------- = 1.7 x 10 ^-5 s
. v 1470 m/s

5. v = 450 m/s wavelength = 0.18 m A = 2.0 mm


b) f = v 450 m/s
. --- = ---------
. wavelength 0.18m
. f = 2500 hz

c) T = 1/2500 = t x 10 ^ - 4 s

d) 1 km = 1000m/8 x 10 ^ -3m = 1.25 x 10 6 5 cycles / km

e) t = 1.25 x 10 6 5 cycles x 4 x 10 ^ -4s
. -------------
. cycles
. t = 50 s

After all that we should Finnish questions 6 - 14 in the green booklet

Welll That's what we did in class today and the next scribe will be .. christine d. ...