Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Well today we worked on a sheet about right hand rules and also went over a magnetic field worksheet as well as other excersise questions.

Our test is tomorrow so here's a few things to remember.

First Right Hand Rule:

-Thumb points to the direction that the current flows.
-The other fingers point in the direction that the magnetic field circles in.

Second Right Hand Rule:

-This is used when you have an electromagnetic field.
- The iron core inside the coil increases the magnet's strength.
-The direction of the thumb points to the North pole of the magnet.
-The direction of the conventional current flow is indicated by the direction which the fingers curl.

Third Right Hand Rule:

-The thumb represents the direction of the current.
-The fingers represent the direction of the magnetic field.
- The direction of the force acting on the wire is represented by the direction of the palm.

Don't forget this equation:

B = f / IL

F is the force of the conductor in Newtons.
B is the magnitude of the magnetic field strength in Teslas.
I is the current in the conductor in amperes.
L is the length of the condutor in the magnetic field in metres.

Well that's it for me. Good luck on the test tomorrow and on the exam on Monday. Study diligently!

Good bye blog, good bye peers, see you next semester Ms. K!

1 comment:

Ms K said...

Thanks for the post, Lina. Good luck on the test tomorrow!