Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Transverse Waves with a Slinky

Hey, I'm Benofschool and I will be you scribe for today.

Today in class we all started on an experiment with slinkys. We used Slinkys to create transverse waves to test out a number of experiments by swinging the slinky between 2 people with another two timing and observing.. The experiments included seeing if the amplitude of the waves have a relationship with the speed of the waves, seeing if the amplitude and the speed remains the same throughout the wave. According to Ms.K this was a very frustrating experiment due to the morning class's complaints. The teacher was right. Timing the waves were really difficult do to coordination issues. Too bad we are humans, we cause human errors.

This concludes my scribe for today and homework is to finish the experiment sheet Ms.K gave us and it is due tomorrow.

The next scribe will be "Thang N."

Bye Y'all


NT* said...

You maple Benofschool?

Benofschool said...

ya i do

NT* said...

Who are you? What's your server? IGN? That's totally cool.

Benofschool said...

i am a mysterious person
i play in bera

Benofschool said...

try and find me lol